#1 in Septic Services – Responsive, Professional & Courteous
NAWT Certified Inspectors and Installers
Realtors Preferred Septic Services Company
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Gallery Installs – Repairs- Leachfield Remediation
Pirana – Leachfield Remediation
PENN State Study on Biomat
How and why biomats form?
Biomats form because the infiltrating surfaces, designed to receive wastewater and be maintained in an oxygen rich (aerobic) condition, have become wet and oxygen starved; anaerobic. Biomats form due to; (a) overloading an area hydraulically, or (b) overloading an area organically.
Organic Overload. The development of a biomat on the top surface of a pretreatment filtration unit is usually the result of applying organic matter (BOD) to the filter at excessively high rates. As described above, when the filter media becomes wet/saturated to the point where the aerobes can no longer live, the anaerobes will take over and produce the slimy, jelly-like, slowly permeable layer we call a biomat.
After the small area under the first few distribution pipe holes has developed a biomat, which will no longer permit the wastewater to infiltrate into the soil it rests on, the excess wastewater will naturally flow over the biomat to adjacent unclogged soil, see Figure 1. In time this once permeable soil will also develop a bio-mat. This process will be repeated over and over again until the entire aggregate-soil interface has a biomat on it at which time, the wastewater will begin to pond and backup into the septic tank and then your home. Note: pumping your septic tank will NOT correct this problem.
Call Us Anytime at 719-687-6435.
“Given the simple installation and operation of this system there is little question that the Pirana provides the most cost-effective method for septic system remediation.”
The MASSTC Graph below shows the flow rate improvements in drain field absorption utilizing a Pirana vs other test systems.
Pirana flow rate increase is shown in purple. Note the 250% improvement in just a few months.
(Click here to get a copy of full MASSTC report)
Report conclusion after testing the Pirana system:
“When the energy consumption and the retention time in the aeration basin is factored in the Pirana system proves to be almost twice as efficient as the best reading achieved by the other systems, and almost four times the average of the other systems.”
“Recent data shows that Pirana treatment efficiency is increasing with increased
load as the septic tank begins to mature.”
Over the next three weeks, the site was regularly monitored for mechanical function, condition of the raised bed, effluent characteristics and levels.
The first dramatic observation (after 4 days) was formation of thick flocks of white bacterial colonies in the dosing tank. This was concurrent with a disappearance of all black sludge and slime in the tank. Water levels in the monitoring well stayed constant for the first 18 days. There was however a marked change in the color and quantity of the effluent at the surfacing point with a gradual change from black and green to gray. It also became noticeably less damp over the entire surface of the raised area.
Between the 18th and 21st days of operation the water level in the trench area dropped from grade to 12” below grade and the surfacing halted.
This system now is considered “not failing” as defined by the NYS Department of Health.
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